
The Awakening

We are in aThe Awakening time of Awakening!  We are learning who we really are, beneath the illusions that we have been spoon fed since birth!

I’ve gone through such a powerful death and rebirth process!  I’ve died to the old illusions and born again to walk in alignment with my soul.  I allow my soul to guide my journey!  My head wants to come in and take over.  But my soul wins!  I feel my way!  I have learned to see through the darkness of the illusions.

It doesn’t mean that I never get caught up in those illusions!  I do!  I even get lost in them sometimes.  But I find my way back to myself!

The music is the most true guide of all.  It tells me what my soul feels, long before I know it myself.  The songs come through me.  I just surrender to the music flowing in me.  It has a vibration and a story.  The story not only tells me where I am going.  It tells us where we are going.  It tells the story of our transformation from the Caterpillar to the Butterfly!

We are all in some part of that metamorphosis process.  At least the ones who haven’t just remained a caterpillar.  Wherever we are in the process, we need to just surrender and keep our eye on the butterfly!

There is within us now both a dying away and a birthing of.  The old is disintegrating!  The new is assembling!  This is the story I am telling through the musical journey of Awakening!  The music sings to the process of dying to be reborn!

It also carries a very strong heart vibration!  There is a bursting forth of love and awakening energy!  Songs like “Illusions of a Dream,” “Spirit,” “Higher Love,” and “Through the Night” tell the story of the challenges of reaching for that higher love and the times of being right in the center of it! It is there within us all, waiting to be called forth and the music contains the seeds, the codes, the call to awaken.  It calls me to awaken and I share this with others!

This phase of my life; this Timeline that I am on, it is my Mission to be an Advocate for Awakening!

My music was dormant for awhile.  I was in the cocoon!  I had lost interest!  I was speaking about awakening and helping others in their own journey of awakening.  But then I received the call!  I received a call to return to the music!  I received the call to bring this music out in a way that really tells the story of our Awakening!

The Awakening Show

When you come to “The Awakening” show you are not just coming to a concert.  You are coming to an event.  An event where we speak about the process of awakening with each segment leading to a song.  It marries the Pandoras Box Podcast energy of truth telling with my Songs!

We shall speak the story and sing the story.  It is my hope this music can be the midwife for the rebirth process!  Helping to guide the soul in its process of remembering itself!

I am grateful!  I am blessed!  And I embrace this mission with all of my heart!

Let us birth the New Earth into Being!



The Healing Power of Music

KaleahYou have probably heard of sound healing and how powerful music can be to move energy, to break up blockage and even change the frequency in your energy field.  Just listening to certain tones can have a moving effect.

I had a dream many years ago where I was using powerful tones to combat negative energies that were coming towards me.  My tones were my weapons.  By letting out a very deep and resonate tone the dark energy blew to pieces, just as a glass might be shattered.  I learned an important lesson about tones in this dream.  Ever since I have been using them to combat negative energies as well as anchor in positive, loving energies.

You can experience a shift in consciousness by listening to music that has strong tonal qualities.  This is what I have achieved with my CD Emergence.  It has a lot of different tones, textures and harmonies that can help you to heal whatever it is you are trying to heal.

Never under estimate the power of music to heal and shift the energy in your life.