
Kaleah is a visionary who brings her visions alive with music. She is passionate about expressing herself through writing, singing, and working with others in their inner journey of transformation.

Her latest project “Emergence” captures the essence of our time.  Through music she captures the journey of the soul through darkness and finally the emergence into light.

For two decades, Kaleah has been immersed in the study of the the souls journey which involved mythology and the dark Goddess of transformation and rebirth.  She has written about the feminine journey and the dark night of the soul. She sings about the shadow side of humanity and the quest for the light of understanding.

Kaleah has written four books on narcissism in society and offers these books and audio programs as well as personal journey counseling and shamanic hypnotherapy through her website www.narcissismfree.com.

Her first music release was in January 2000 with the CD “From the Shadows.” Here her journey of emergence was first beginning to be captured. She was inspired by the Hindu Goddess Kali, and also the process of knowing and understanding herself and her relationships to others. She continues to capture this inner journey with The Road Home released in 2004.

In late 2008 Kaleah began working on Emergence a project of vocal chants without lyrics. Her song “Awakening” from her CD “The Road Home” was used in the film “The Voice” which inspired several emails requesting a CD with “That Voice!” Kaleah knew it was time to do just that and created “Emergence.”

Kaleah hasn’t recording any new music since Emergence, but continues to write, play and sing.